Create a SQL Maintenance Plan for Citrix DB

SQL Maintenance Plan

The Maintenance Plan Wizard creates jobs for the Microsoft SQL Server Agent. This allows you to perform various database management tasks at specific intervals, e.g. Backups, database health checks or database statistic updates. This should be configured for all SQL databases, as this will prevent the transaction logs from becoming excessively large. Excessively large transaction logs can make the server inefficient and unstable.

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Optimization of VMs by NUMA

Introduction CPU & NUMA architecture

The main task of every CPU is to process data. But here is the misconception, the faster the CPU (or the more CPUs I allocate), the faster the data will be processed. This is unfortunately not quite that easy, because before the CPU can process the data, it must be read out by the slower system RAM and that latency can slow the CPU processing. In order to minimize the time the CPU is waiting on reading data, CPU architectures include on-chip memory caches (local RAM) that are much faster than RAM (the access is up to 95% faster).

Optimization of VMs by NUMA
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