Web Authentication Action in NetScaler

On one of my recent deployments, I needed to set up external access using NetScaler to an internally hosted web application (Grafana).

Grafana is a cross-platform open source application for graphical representation of data from various data sources such as InfluxDB, MySQL, PostgreeSQL, Prometheus and Graphite.

The challenge here was that the customer wanted to pre-install authentication on the NetScaler, but the users were only known to the web application itself.

The question that therefore came to me was:
How can I check the user of the web application if only the web application itself has access to the user data?

I had only used standards like LDAP, RADIUS, CERT, SAML etc. for user authentication on NetScaler, but these were not useful here because the target system should not be changed.

A little research followed, and true to the motto “Read the f*** manual,” I found what I was looking for in this.

Web Authentication

โ€œAuthentication, authorization, and auditing is now able to authenticate a user to a web server, providing the credentials that the web server requires in an HTTP request and analyzing the web server response to determine that user authentication was successful.โ€

Web authentication | Authentication, authorization, and auditing application traffic (citrix.com)

That sounded positive to me at first. Now, as a non-web programmer, I just had to figure out how http works and what I need to do on NetScaler. So far I had only implemented rudimentary rewrite or responder policies to redirect to a specific URL path or a completely different URL or an http to https redirect.


The following information is required to create a web authentication action:

  • Name
    • For the web authentication action
  • IP address
    • The web server to be used for authentication
  • Port
    • On which the web server accepts connections
  • Protocol
    • For access to the web server
  • HTTP Request Expression
    • HTTP request (expression) to be sent to the web server
  • Expression to validate the Authentication
    • Expression to check if the authentication was successful

Web Authentication Procedure

Web Authentication Flow
  1. The user calls the FQDN (e.g. grafana.deyda.net) of the web server
  2. The user is redirected to the AAA vServer to authenticate
  3. The user enters their credentials at the AAA vServer
  4. The credentials are sent to the web server by the NetScaler using the Web Authentication Action, where they are verified
  5. The session cookie created by the web server is sent to the NetScaler
  6. The session cookie is sent by the NetScaler to the user, who is redirected to the web page


To analyze the http requests and responses I found and used the tool Fiddler Classic (LINK). Fiddler can be used as a proxy for any browser and can also decrypt HTTPS traffic if configured accordingly.


In order to be able to look into the HTTPS traffic with Fiddler, it must act as a man-in-the-middle proxy to intercept and decrypt the HTTPS traffic. For this, the corresponding setting (Decrypt HTTPS traffic) must be activated and the Fiddler root certificate must be installed.

  • To do this, call Fiddler and open the options under Tools > Options
Fiddler Tools Options
  • Switch to the HTTPS tab, check the Decrypt HTTPS traffic checkbox and confirm the installation of the Fiddler Classic Root certificate
Decrypt HTTPS traffic Fiddler
  • In order not to let Fiddler decrypt everything, I have restricted the dropdown to โ€ฆfrom browsers only after importing the certificate.
โ€ฆfrom browsers only Fiddler

Creating a recording (trace)

In the status bar on the left you can see that Fiddler is active by the Capturing indicator. Next to it at All Processes you can limit the recording to Web Browsers.

  • To do this, click All Processes in the status bar and then select Web Browsers
All Processes Web Browsers Fiddler

Since Fiddler was already active the whole time, I emptied the recording again before actually calling the web application (Grafana).

  • To do this, click the X in the upper action area and then select Remove all
Remove all Fiddler

After that I called Grafana in the browser and logged in and after successful login also logged out directly.

Grafana Login
Grafana Login Mask
Grafana Logout

Don’t forget to stop the recording (pause Fiddler). The easiest way to do this is to click on Capturing in the status bar.

Fiddler Capturing

Analysis of the recording (trace)

Because Fiddler has decrypted the HTTPS traffic, the details and not only the calls are now visible. The highlighted entry shows the POST request that was sent from the browser to Grafana when logging in.

Fiddler Analyze HTTPS Traffic

In the Inspectors tab you can see the raw content of the request that was sent from the browser to Grafana.

Fiddler Inspectors Raw

So the login data is sent in JSON format via POST request to the URL https://grafana.deyda.net/grafana/login.

Thanks to decrypted HTTPS traffic, the content is visible in plain text.

So far so good, all information for the HTTP Request Expression of the Web Authentication Action was found.

The whole thing now generalized a bit with variables and broken down to the most necessary then looks for the NetScaler (HTTP Request Expression) as follows:

Continue with the info for the Expression to validate the Authentication.

For this we need to look for and look at Grafana’s answer in the Fiddler recording.

Expression to validate the Authentication

Also the http response from Grafana comes in JSON format and presents the text Logged in. In addition, two cookies (grafana_session and redirect_to) are set.

Since only an Expression to validate the Authentication has to be built in the Web Authentication Action, I didn’t care what the http response said if the user didn’t have access.

The expression I built based on the http response looks like this:

I guess with a little more knowledge about HTTP communication I would have known from the beginning that the cookie Grafana sends along with the Logged in message is probably not created for fun by Grafana. Since I ignored the cookie at the beginning, it took me some troubleshooting until I arrived at the following expression which has to be configured additionally in the Web Authentication Action under Attribute 1 to be able to use the value of the cookie from the response of Grafana:

The usage is then simply done by AAA.USER.ATTRIBUTE(1). In my case in a rewrite action that sets the cookie.


The following configures the NetScaler so that the user must log in to the AAA vServer to access the web application (Grafana)

Authentication Web Server

Using the expressions found by Fiddler, we can create the required Authentication Web Server.

  • Navigate to Security > AAA – Application Traffic > Policies > Authentication > Advanced Policies > Actions > WEBAUTH
  • Click Add there and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name for the Authentication Web Server, e.g. webAuthAction_grafana
    • Web Server IP Address
      • IP address of the future content switch, e.g.
    • Port
      • Port on which the content switch can be reached, e.g. 443
    • Protocol
      • HTTPS
    • HTTP Request Expression
      • HTTP request sent to the web server
  • Expression to validate the Authentication (Expression that checks if the authentication was successful)
  • Then click > More and enter the following under Attributes 1:
Authentication Web Server
  • Confirm everything with Create
  • Navigate now to Security > AAA – Application Traffic > Policies > Authentication > Advanced Policies > Policy
  • Click there on Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the Policy, e.g. webAuthPol_grafana
    • Action Type
      • WEBAUTH
    • Action
      • webAuthAction_grafana
    • Expression
      • true
Authentication Policy
  • Confirm with Create

SSL certificates

  • To do this, open the Admin web interface of the NetScaler and navigate to Traffic Management > SSL > Certificates > Server Certificates
  • Click Install there to import the required certificate
  • Enter the following and confirm the input with Install:
    • Certificate-Key Pair Name
      • Unique name for the certificate, e.g. wildcard.deyda.net
    • Certificate File Name
      • Select certificate file, e.g. deyda.net_ssl_certificate.cer
    • Key File Name
      • Select private key, e.g. deyda.net_private_key.key
Install Server Certificate
  • Repeat the process for the associated intermediate certificates of the certification path under Traffic Management > SSL > Certificates > CA Certificates
Install CA Certificate
  • Then select the installed server certificate again and click Select Action and then Link to link the certificate to the appropriate intermediate certificate
Link Server Certificate

Load Balancing

Next, two load balancing virtual servers are created. One for user access and one for NetScaler access. This will later ensure that the NetScaler itself can access the Grafana server without authentication, but users cannot.

  • Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Servers
  • Click Add there and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name for the server object, e.g. grafana.deyda.net
    • IP Address
      • IP address of the Grafana server, e.g.
Create Server Load Balancing
  • Switch under Traffic Management > Load Balancing to the Services
  • Click there on Add and enter or select the following accordingly:
    • Service Name
      • Name for the service, e.g. svc_grafana
    • Existing Server -> Server
      • grafana.deyda.net
    • Protocol
      • SSL
    • Port
      • Port on which the server can be reached, e.g. 443
Load Balancing Service
  • Switch under Traffic Management > Load Balancing to the Virtual Servers
  • Click there on Add and enter the following to start the Load Balancing Virtual Server create for user access:
    • Name
      • Name of the vServer, e.g. lbvs_grafana
    • Protocol
      • SSL
    • IP Address Type
      • Non Addressable
Load Balancing Virtual Server
  • In the following wizard click on No Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding and then on Click to select
No Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding
Click to select Service Binding
  • Select the grafana service (svc_grafana) click on Select and then on Bind
Service Binding Service
Service Binding
  • When the service is bound(1 Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding) click Continue
  • Click on No Server Certificate and then on Click to select
No Server Certificate
Server Certificate Binding
  • Select the server certificate and click on Select and then on Bind
Server Certificates
Server Certificate
  • When the certificate is bound (1 Server Certificate) click Continue
  • Click at the very bottom left on Done to return to the overview of the Load Balancing Virtual Server
  • Click Add again on the Load Balancing Virtual Servers overview to create a second Load Balancing Virtual Server for use in the Web authentication policy. This second vServer is also created without its own IP address, since it is accessed via a content switch.
    • Name
      • Name of the vServer, e.g. lbvs_grafana_noauth
    • Protocol
      • SSL
    • IP Address Type
      • Non Addressable
Load Balancing Virtual Server
  • In the following wizard click on No Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding and then on Click to select
No Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding
Service Binding
  • Select the grafana service (svc_grafana) click on Select and then on Bind
Service Binding
  • When the service is bound (1 Load Balancing Virtual Server Service Binding) click Continue
  • Click on No Server Certificate and then on Click to select
No Server Certificate
Click to select
  • Select the server certificate and click on Select and then on Bind
Server CErtificate Binding
Select Server Certificate
  • When the certificate is bound (1 Server Certificate) click Continue
  • Click at the very bottom left on Done

Authentication Virtual Server (AAA)

Even if authentication is performed by the Grafana server itself, an AAA vServer must be used in order to use the web authentication policy on the load balancer.

  • Navigate to Security > AAA โ€“ Application Traffic > Virtual Servers
  • Under Authentication Virtual Servers, click on Add to create a new vServer
  • Here enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the vServer, e.g. AAA_grafana
    • IP Address Type
      • Non Addressable
Authentication Virtual Server
  • Click OK
  • Click on No Server Certificate and then on Click to select
No Server Certificate
Server Certificate Binding
  • Select the server certificate and click on Select and then on Bind
Server Certificates
Select Server Certificate
  • If the certificate is bound (1 Server Certificate) click Continue
  • Click under Advanced Authentication Policies on No Authentication Policy
No Authentication Policy
  • Press Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the Authentication Policy and click on Select
Authentication Policy
  • The Binding Details are set as follows and then confirmed using Bind
    • Priority
      • 100
    • Goto Expression
      • END
    • Select Next Factor
      • Click to select
Policy Binding
  • If the Policy is bound (1 Authentication Policy) click Continue
  • Click under Form Based Virtual Servers on No Load Balancing Virtual Server
Form Based Virtual Servers
  • Enter the following:
    • Authentication FQDN
      • FQDN of the Authentication vServer, e.g. grafana.deyda.net
  • And then click Click to select
Load Balancing Virtual Server Binding
  • Select the load balancing virtual server to be secured with AAA and click on Select
Load Balancing Virtual Server
  • Click Bind
Load Balancing Virtual Server Binding
  • Click at the bottom left on Done

Content Switching Virtual Server

The Content Switching Virtual Server receives all requests for our web application (Grafana) and distributes them to the Authentication Virtual Server and the two Load Balancing Virtual Servers according to the Content Switching Policies.

  • Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Actions
  • Click on Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. cswAct_AAA_grafana
    • Choose Virtual Server or Expression
      • Authentication Virtual Server
  • Press Click to select
Content Switching Actions
  • Select the Authentication Virtual Server and click Select
Authentication Virtual Server
  • Click Create
Content Switching Actions
  • Click on Add again and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. cswAct_lbvs_grafana
    • Choose Virtual Server or Expression
      • Loadbalancing Virtual Server
  • Press Click to select
Content Switching Actions
  • Select the load balancing virtual server to be secured with AAA and click on Select
Virtual Servers
  • Click Create
Content Switching Actions
  • Click on Add again and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. cswAct_lbvs_grafana_noauth
    • Choose Virtual Server or Expression
      • Loadbalancing Virtual Server
  • Press Click to select
Content Switching Actions
  • Select the load balancing virtual server to be secured with AAA and click on Select
Virtual Server
  • Click Create
Content Switching Actions
  • Switch under Traffic Management > Content Switching to Policies
  • Click Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the policy, e.g. cswPol_AAA_grafana
    • Action
      • cswAct_AAA_grafana
    • Expression:
Content Switching Policy
  • Click Create
  • Click again on Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the policy, e.g. cswPol_lbvs_grafana
    • Action
      • cswAct_lbvs_grafana
    • Expression:
  • If the Content Switch is used exclusively for Grafana, the expression can simply be set to TRUE
    • The IP address is the subnet IP of the NetScaler
Content Switching Policy
  • Click Create
  • Click Add a third time and type the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the policy, e.g. cswPol_lbvs_grafana_noauth
    • Action
      • cswAct_lbvs_grafana_noauth
    • Expression:
  • The IP address is the NetScaler subnet IP address
Content Switching Policy
  • Click Create
  • Navigate to Traffic Management > Content Switching > Virtual Servers
  • Click Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the vServer, e.g. csvs_grafana.deyda.net
    • Protocol
      • SSL
    • IP Address Type
      • IP Address
    • IP Address
      • IP address of the vServer, e.g.
        • This IP address must match the one in the web authentication action!
    • Port
      • Port on which the content switch can be reached, e.g. 443
Content Switching Virtual Server
  • Click OK
  • Under Content Switching Policy Binding, click on No Content Switching Policy Bound
No Content Switching Policy Bound
  • Press Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the Content Switching Policy cswPol_lbvs_grafana_noauth and click Select
Content Switching Policy
  • Enter the following:
    • Priority
      • 10
Binding Details
  • Click Bind
  • When the policy is bound (1 Content Switching Policy) click on 1 Content Switching Policy
1 Content Switching Policy
  • Click on Add Binding
Add Binding
  • Press Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the second content switching policy cswPol_AAA_grafana and click Select
Content Switching Policies
  • Enter the following:
    • Priority
      • 20
Policy Binding
  • Click Bind
  • Click Add Binding again and click Click to select
  • Select the third content switching policy cswPol_lbvs_grafana and click Select
Content Switching Policy
  • Enter the following:
    • Priority
      • 100
Policy Binding
  • Click on Bind and then on Close
  • If the policy is bound (3 Content Switching Policies) click OK
  • Now select Certificate from the Advanced Settings menu on the right side of the screen
  • In the Certificate section added by this, click No Server Certificate and then Click to select to bind a server certificate
No Server Certificate
Server Certificate Binding
  • Select the server certificate and click on Select and then on Bind
Server Certificates
Server Certificate Binding
  • When the certificate is bound (1 Server Certificate) click Continue and then Done


Finally, we use a responder to redirect the user’s request from the login page of the web application (Grafana) to the main page. This is necessary because the NetScaler takes over the authentication and the user would otherwise get stuck in a login loop.

  • Navigate to AppExpert > Responder > Actions and click Add
  • Here enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. respAct_grafana_subdir
    • Type
      • Redirect
    • Expression:
  • Response Status Code
    • Status code that is transmitted to the browser, e.g. 302
Create Responder Action
  • Click on Create and then switch to AppExpert > Responder > Policies and click there also on Add
  • Enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the policy, e.g. respPol_grafana_subdir
    • Action
      • respAct_grafana_subdir
    • Expression:
Create Responder Policy
  • Click on Create


To make the cookie, which is generated by the NetScaler at the login to the web application, available to the user, we use a rewrite of the response that is sent to the user.

  • Navigates to the section AppExpert > Rewrite > Actions and click on Add
  • Type the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. rwAct_grafana_add_cookie
    • Type
    • Header Name
      • Name of the header to insert, e.g. Set-Cookie
    • Expression:
Create Rewrite Action
  • Click on Create

And as a last gimmick we use another rewrite of the response for removing the NetScaler cookie to get a clean logout of the web application. This logs the user out not only from the web application itself, but also from the AAA vServer on the NetScaler.

  • Click Add again to create another rewrite action
  • Enter now the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the action, e.g. rwAct_grafana_remove_AAA_cookie
    • Type
    • Header Name
      • Name of the header to insert, e.g. Set-Cookie
    • Expression:
Create Rewrite Action
  • Click Create
  • Go to the section AppExpert > Rewrite > Policies
  • Click on Add and enter the following:
    • Name
      • Name of the policy, e.g. rwPol_grafana_add_cookie
    • Action
      • rwAct_grafana_add_cookie
    • Expression:
Create Rewrite Policy
  • Click Create
  • Then click Add again to create another rewrite policy
  • Now type the following:
    • Name
      • Policy name, e.g. rwPol_grafana_remove_AAA_cookie
    • Action
      • rwAct_grafana_remove_AAA_cookie
    • Expression:
Create Rewrite Policy
  • Click Create

Adjustment of the Load Balancing Virtual Servers

Finally, the responder and rewrite policies must be bound to the load balancing virtual server.

  • Navigate to Traffic Management > Load Balancing > Virtual Servers
  • Click on the Load Balancing Virtual Server lbvs_grafana to edit it
Virtual Servers
  • Click Policies in the menu (Advanced Settings) on the right side
  • Then click in the Policies section on To add, please click on the + icon
To add, please click on the + icon
  • Then select the following:
    • Choose Policy
      • Responder
    • Choose Type
      • Request
  • Click Continue and then click Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the responder policy and click Select
Responder Policies
  • Confirm the policy binding by clicking on Bind
Binding Details
  • If the policy is bound (1 Responder Policy) click on the + right at Policies
Responder Policy
  • Now choose the following:
    • Choose Policy
      • Rewrite
    • Choose Type
      • Response
Rewrite Response
  • Click Continue and then Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the policy (rwPol_grafana_add_cookie) and click on Select
Rewrite Policies
  • Confirm the policy binding with a click on Bind
Binding Detail
  • If the policy is bound (1 Rewrite Policy) click 1 Rewrite Policy in the Policies section
1 Responder Policy
  • Click Add Binding
Add Binding
  • Then click on Click to select
Policy Binding
  • Select the policy (rwPol_grafana_remove_AAA_cookie) and click on Select
Rewrite Policies
  • Confirm the policy binding by clicking on Bind
Policy Binding
  • Click Close
Load Balancing Virtual Server Rewrite Policy Binding
  • If the policies are bound (2 Rewrite Policies) click onDone
2 Rewrite Policies

CLI commands